“The Del Sorbo family has been working in the Maritime, household and Industrial Sector since 1985. In 2015, the Company celebrated its 30-year Anniversary, with its Historic Leader and founder Antonio Del Sorbo successful Neapolitan entrepreneur. In 1985, determined to take the challenge, with his strong entrepreneurial spirit and an excellent sense for business, he decided to set up an industrial company, mainly for the private sector. IDAL GROUP is today a Ship Building, Maintenance, Repair and Modification Company dedicated to serve Ship Builder and Ship Owner with the same First Class Service and assuring with its network of Companies a one shop stop. We are specialized in Steel Work and Steel Repair, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning System, Fire Fighting Systems and Installation of various systems. We can offer also Outfitting Services in Building or Retrofitting Cabins, Galley, Public spaces, Self-Services, Restaurant and Bars. We are now especially dedicated to Green Ship Technologies from BWMS to Scrubber, GRP-GRE-GRVE Pipes, Led Light Conversion, automatic switch over modules (HFO MGO). We do also engineering for all our systems and we can perform 3D Scanning and Design with analysis of best solution for Installation or Retrofitting of New Systems.


We share a Mission, we want to do business starting from our region, Campania, with passion and tenacity in our minds to fulfil the most ambitious goals, including “adding value”. We do not think that our company is owned by us. Instead, we believe that it is a driving force for the development of the local area and the whole country. IDAL GROUP was set up to gather and foster the experience gained over time in designing, implementing and maintaining special technological systems in the shipbuilding, household and industrial sectors. The flexibility of our organization allows the company to adjust to the new market demands, and effectively and efficiently meet any customer’s need. Our mission includes:

·         Quality of products and optimization of manufacturing processes – we constantly monitor all production stages.

·         Competitiveness – we rely on top partners.

·         Innovation – we continuously invest in know how to ensure that growth goes hand in hand with the sector’s quick changes.

From this point of view, in such an ever-changing globalized market, the company felt the need to make all its applications accessible, regardless of their geographical or logical position, using technology intensive integrated solutions. Any remarkable corporate process, including sales, purchases, stock control system, accounting information, has been included in applications to help business managers continuously check and track all business activities, which can also be combined with different partners’ applications.”