Ugo Salerno
Chief Executive Officer of RINA S.p.A.
Chief Executive Officer of RINA S.p.A.
Ugo Salerno was appointed Chief Executive Officer of RINA S.p.A. in June 2002 and Chairman as from February 2012.
Following his honorous degree from the University of Naples in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, he moved to Italcantieri S.p.A., Genova Sestri Shipyard.
After about three years he joined Fermar in Ravenna, a shipping company involved in the transport of raw materials, first as Superintendent and then as Technical Manager.
In 1988, he moved back to Genova where he became Fleet Manager and Director of Bulkitalia, part of the Coeclerici Group. During his 14 years with Coeclerici he assumed several executive positions becoming, in 1996, CEO of the Shipping and Logistic activities and Vice President of Coeclerici Trading.
While at Coeclerici he was also nominated Director of the Standard P&I Club. From July 2003 to June 2004, he was appointed Chairman of IACS (International Association of Classification Societies).
From 2008 Mr Salerno is Director of ITIC P&I Club (International Transport Intermediaries Club Limited).
From 2009 to March 2014 he was Director of VSL Investment Fund.
From June 2011 he is Director of Fondazione Ansaldo and from 2013 Director of the Galliera Hospital in Genova.
From 2013 to April 2017 he was Director of Confindustria Genova with responsibility for Infrastructure.
From May 2013 he is member of the International Federation of Inspection Agencies (IFIA).
In June 2013 he was appointed Cavaliere del Lavoro della Repubblica Italiana.
From June 2014 to March 2015 he was Director of UCINA – Unione Nazionale dei Cantieri e delle Industrie Nautiche e Affini.
From 2015 to 2017 he was Member of Confindustria General and Confederal Board.
From December 2016 he is Director of Cassa di Risparmio della Spezia S.p.A.
From May 2018 Mr Salerno is President of Promostudi La Spezia – Participation Foundation for the Promotion of Higher Education Studies in La Spezia.