Shipping and the Law – 9th edition


A 92 year old shipowner electrified a maritime conference in Naples when he directly warned one of the Italy’s most senior politicians that the national fleet was “doomed to disappear” without more help from government policies.

Mr Peppino D’Amato the head of Perseveranza said ministers in Rome were “not really paying attention” to the fact that “companies are shutting down and jobs being lost.”

He demanded a personal meeting as soon as possible with the government to explain what policies were needed.

The celebrated owner had been in the audience listening to a round table debate at the 2018 Shipping and the Law conference in the famous port city.

But he insisted on taking to the stage so he could deliver his impassioned plea directly to Roberto Fico, the president of the Italian Chamber of Deputies who was there.

Fico, who is from the anti-establishment Five Star Movement, which is part of Italy’s coalition government, had earlier given the key note speech at the conference.

Fico had gone out of his way to stress the importance of the “blue economy” to both Naples and Italy saying his party was determined to rebuild port and other transport infrastructure and “avoid the mistakes of the past.”

This was not enough – it seemed – for Mr D’Amato although the two men agreed at the end of the conference session that a proper meeting would take place in future.

Mario Mattioli, president of Confitarma, the Italian Shipowners Association, had earlier told the conference that he had his own “good” meeting with the new Transport Minister that had last 50 minutes.

More traditional targets for shipowner frustration were outlined at the event by Panos Laskiridis, president of the European Community Shipowners Associations.

He attacked the European Union for failing to appreciate the maritime sector. “Europe has no trade wars, refugee problems,disputes between economic strong and weak countries…the only strategic asset which Europe possesses is its huge merchant fleet which moves about 40% of the world’s trade.”

The European Commission should “abstain from pointing the (critical) finger at shipping but protect, defend and stand behind us.”

The conference used the title of “The future is Now” to discuss progress on new fuels plus environmental regulations around sulphur and carbon.

Leading Greek shipowner John Lyras said it was wrong that responsibility for “greening” shipping and potentially taking penalties for not doing so all lay with vessel operators.

“What about the ship builders, fuel suppliers, the shippers? It is car manufacturers not car owners who get penalised for polluting vehicles after all,” he said.

The International Maritime organisation’s top legal adivser, Frederick Kenney, said he had seen a significant and positive shift in shipowner attitudes towards sulphur and carbon in the past 4 to 5 months.

But he questioned how shipping could do the kind of brilliant public relations job like aviation which had largely won over the public to its side.

The environmental session at the conference ended on a higher note with major local shipowner and vice president of the International Chamber of Shipping, Emanuele Grimaldi, outlining the enormous fuel efficiencies wrought in his huge fleet with the use of quite easily available incremental changes using new hulls, propellors and paints.

Francesco S. Lauro, the lead partner of Naples law firm Studio Legale Lauro which stages the annual conference, said it was another major success.

“Over 200 people from all around the globe came to Naples to debate political and economic as well as commercial and legal issues that all affect shipping.”

“It was the best event yet with passionate debate from all sides but also new ideas raised and technical solutions discussed.

“We have created something unique and we are determined to build on this for next year: our tenth anniversary. The foothills of Vesuvius seem to be a perfect place for scalding hot but relevant maritime debates.”



HELLENIC SHIPPING NEWS: Shipping & The Law conference draws maritime royalty to Naples

Influencers and thought leaders from across the maritime industry convened in Naples to take part in the 8th edition of Shipping & The Law.

Held in the 17th century splendour of the Court Theatre at the Royal Palace of Naples and organised by Studio Legale Lauro the event was hosted by Managing Partner Francesco S Lauro, the conference saw participation of a number of leading figures from shipowning, finance, law, insurance from Naples and around the world.

Studio Legale Lauro Managing Partner Francesco S Lauro.

A series of panels and interviews interspersed with keynotes from leading industry practitioners saw discussion of the threats and opportunities in shipping, including the rise of China, the effects of climate change as well as free trade and protectionism in the era of Brexit and the Trump administration.

“Through its eight editions, Shipping and the Law has become much more than a maritime conference, it is a forum for the Naples shipping community to exchange ideas and debate with the industry at large,” said Managing Partner Francesco S Lauro. “Once again, some of the leading thinkers and practitioners shared their views on the critical topics affecting the entire shipping cluster and I thank them for their participation.”

Speakers included ECSA President elect Panos Laskaridis, Confitarma President elect Mario Mattioli, ICS Chairman Esben Poulsson, President of the Antwerp Port Authority, Marc Van Peel and Magda Kopczynska, Director of Waterborne Transport, European Commission Former Director of the IOPC Funds Måns Jacobsson spoke on the impending review to the Fund’s policy on economic loss from oil spills and President, Associazione Italiana di Diritto Marittimo Giorgio Berlingieri shared the main outcomes of the CMI 2017 in Genoa.

Panos Laskaridis, Esben Poulsson and Magda Kopczynska.

The conference also included keynote interviews, which saw Tradewinds’ columnist Terry Macalister in conversation with Banchero Costa founder Lorenzo Banchero and Bianco D’Antonio interview local shipping legend Peppino D’Amato.

The two-day proceedings included sessions focussing on ports and ship finance as well as legal and arbitration issues, the future for family-owned Italian shipping companies and the path towards a more digital, smart shipping future.

Shipping and the Law was held in the Court Theatre at the Royal Palace of Naples.


TRADEWINDS NEWS: Gloves-off debate generates heat over Trump, China and climate


If the Bay of Naples in the autumn sun does not lift the spirit and inspire you to think big about the world, then nothing will. That is the theory of Francesco Lauro, a Neapolitan lawyer and former port boss with more energy than the Italian electricity grid. He runs an annual “Shipping and the Law” event in the Italian city, this year using the Royal Palace of Naples.

His ambitious plan seems to work, even when it demands verbal informality on the stage of the palace’s stunning 18th-century baroque Court Theatre.

Some of the world’s most important maritime figures arrived to debate major themes such as the rise of Chinese maritime power, the impact of Donald Trump as US president and what to do about climate change.

How refreshing to hear some gloves-off debate without the usual stiff conference protocols and overlong individual speeches.

So what did we learn? That the mighty Chinese shipping and trade juggernaut is a threat and an opportunity.

There is much to love about the extraordinary modernisation of the Far East economy and the dry bulk boom it inspired.

But there is also apprehension about the huge buying power of the state-backed Chinese shipowning, yard and port community, which is sweeping up assets all over the world.

Mario Mattioli, the newly installed head of Italian shipowners’ association Confitarma, has watched Chinese money being poured into local ports such as Vado Ligure, near Genoa, and Venice, as well as docks in Spain, Turkey, and Egypt.

Mattioli said Italy being at the end of the new Belt and Road Initiative could offer great advantages.

But he also admitted he found it “scary” that the kind of cash being used by Beijing was many times the scale of the Marshall Plan, which refloated Europe’s bombed-out economies after World War II.

Magda Kopczynska, director for waterborne transport at the European Commission, said much of what was happening was positive and it was getting easier to communicate with Beijing.

But there was still a certain lack of transparency and Western investment in China was not subject to the same sort of freedoms that Chinese investment enjoyed in the West.

This should change, as European Community Shipowners’ Association (ECSA) president-elect Panos Laskiridis agreed. Would the European Commission intervene in any further Chinese port investments in Europe? Kopczynska said she would certainly like to see European ports and governments set the ground rules for reciprocal arrangements in China.

There was much debate next on the moves towards political separatism and trade protection raised by Trump, Brexit and latest political developments in the Spanish region of Catalonia.

The general reaction from the shipping community was to ride the choppy waters but remain relaxed.

There were hopes of that dry bulk boom coming on the back of a promised increase in infrastructure spending but clearly concerns that there could be any strengthening of laws such as the Jones Act.

The Trump bark was perhaps worse than his bite, given the constraints he faced from his own Republican Party opposition.

But, equally, a second four-year term of Trump policy was regarded as a potential threat to shipping.

More heat was generated in the debate over global warming, not least when British energy economist Leo Drollas questioned the whole basis of action against climate change. He believed it was impossible that new technology could arrive quickly enough to sweep away oil-fired ships.

And then there was an interesting contrast in the attitudes of the representatives from the International Chamber of Shipping and the ECSA.

ICS chairman Esben Poulsson was determined to paint a positive picture, saying his members were keen to play a leading role to reduce their CO2emissions.

Laskiridis struck a more combative stance, admitting he had not really listened to an earlier audio presentation on the issue from Baroness Bryony Worthington — the lead author on the UK’s Climate Change Act — as she sounded like “a typical politician”.

He said shipping was hampered by a lack of any real breakthroughs on alternative non-fossil-fuel bunkers. If operational options were going to be used, such as globally imposed slow steaming, then costs would rise and shippers would have to foot the bill.

I am not sure this bodes well for progress on carbon constraints at the International Maritime Organization, but it made for good drama in the Royal Palace.



TRADEWINDS: Naples law event attracts maritime royalty

Francesco Lauro’s Shipping and the Law conferences have become one of the architectural delights of the Italian shipping calendar.

Last week’s event, held in the 18th-century grandeur of the Court Theatre at the Royal Palace of Naples, was no exception.

The eighth edition of the annual conference, organised by Lauro’s law firm Studio Legale Lauro, focused on the rise of China, climate change, and free trade and protectionism in the era of Brexit and the Trump administration.

Speakers included European Community Shipowners’ Association president-elect Panos Laskaridis, Confitarma president-elect Mario Mattioli, International Chamber of Shipping chairman Esben Poulsson and Antwerp Port Authority president Marc Van Peel.

Mans Jacobsson, former director of the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds, spoke on the impending review of the funds’ policy on economic loss from oil spills.

TradeWinds columnist Terry Macalister interviewed Banchero Costa president Lorenzo Banchero, and veteran Italian journalist Bianca D’Antonio interviewed Naples shipowner Peppino D’Amato.


RINA SERVICES: 8 Edition Shipping and the Law

Court Theatre of the Royal Palace, Naples (Italy) from 10/12/2017 to 10/13/2017

​Shipping and the Law has come to its 8th edition: the event, organised by Studio Legale Lauro, will take place on the 12-13 October on the stage of the Court Theatre of the Royal Palace of Naples.

Leading figures among ship-owners, bankers, maritime law experts, insurers and other international players of the shipping sector will attend the conference.

Topics will range from the effects of protectionism on the shipping sector to the way maritime world can deal with global warming.

We are glad to announce our participation at Shipping and the Law 2017.

In particular, Michele Francioni, RINA Services Chief Executive Officer and RINA Iacs Council Member, will moderate an interesting roundtable on 13th October at 12.00 pm.


ALL ABOUT SHIPPING: Shipping and the Law VIII edition, 12th-13th October 2017, Naples- Register Now!


The eighth edition of the international conference Shipping and the Law, organised by Studio Legale Lauro, will take place on the 12th and 13th October 2017 on the stage of the eighteenth-century Court Theatre of the Royal Palace of Naples.

The conference will include the presence of a number of leading figures among ship-owners, bankers, maritime law experts, insurers and other players of the shipping sector from around the world and feature a Gala Dinner by invitation in the Royal Apartments of the Palace for the conference and the Speakers, Delegates, and the Authorities, hosted by CR MAG and SMIT.

The conference procedings will be officially opened on Thursday 12th October followed by a welcome from maritime lawyer and conference organiser Francesco S. Lauro. It will be followed by a roundtable titled Full Steam Ahead in the Age of Uncertainty on important challenging topics, among them ‘The threats and the opportunities for European operators in relation to the rise of the maritime economic power of China and other countries of the Far East’, ‘How can the maritime world deal with the global warming’, ‘The future of shipping in the age of growing protectionism or uncertainty created by Trump, Brexit and new political movements’.

This roundtable will include the president of the International Chamber of Shipping Esben Poulsson, the president elect of the European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA) Panos Laskaridis, the president of Confitarma Emanuele Grimaldi, the president elect of Confitarma Mario Mattioli, the director for Waterborne Transport in Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport within the European Commission Magda Kopczynska, past president of the Union of Greek Shipowners and of the ECSA John C. Lyras and former ECSA president Thomas Rehder, chief economist of the Sheikh Yamani’s Center for Global Energy Studies Leo Drollas, the president of Banchero Costa Lorenzo Banchero, the political analyst Roberto D’Alimonte, the UK House of Lords member Baroness Byrony K. Worthinghton.

The morning session will be moderated by Terry Macalister, former Energy Editor of The Guardian and David Osler, Finance Editor of Lloyd’s List.

After a lunch hosted by Palumbo Group, the conference proceedings will continue with a session dealing with shipping and port infrastructure finance with the participation of owners, bankers and investment funds managers, the head of the credit section of the Italian Banking Association (ABI) Raffaele Rinaldi, VSL CEO Fabrizio Vettosi and the economist Arturo Capasso.Among others, the president of the Port Authority and vice-mayor of Antwerp Marc Van Peel, the president of the Port Authority of Naples Pietro Spirito, the CEO of Tsavliris Salvage Group George Tsavliris, the president and the president elect of the Italian Young Owners Andrea Garolla and Giacomo Gavarone and the most senior italian Owner Peppino D’Amato will take part to the afternoon proceedings.


On Friday 13th October morning the session “The Law and Shipping” will be opened by the Comité Maritime International vice president Giorgio Berlingieri‘s brief account of the outcomes of the recent CMI assembly in Genoa, and by former International Oil Pollution Compensation (IOPC) Funds Director Mans Jacobsson’s keynote speech “Compensation for pure economic loss in relation to tanker oil spills“. Past president of London Maritime Arbitrators Association Clive Aston will introduce a roundtable with General Counsel Scorpio Group Luca Forgione; arbitrator and mediator St Philips Stone Chambers Jonathan Lux; Wärtsilä’s General Counsel Luigi Morselli; Hill Dickinson’s partner David Pitlarge.The last session of the conference “Better Vessels for a Better World”, moderated by Umberto D’Amato and Alberto Moroso, will be dedicated to new technologies. Participants will include RINA Services CEO Michele Francioni, a representative of Tefin who will speak on a new system to prevent fires on Ro-Ro vessels, while Board member of Caronte & Tourist Lorenzo Matacena will talk on gas propulsion. Among the speakers Wärtsilä’sMatteo Natali, WinDG’s Volkmar Galke, ABB and Eaton representatives, Ecospray’s Franco Porcellacchia  and Crossbeam’s Chairman John Wiik will talk about ‘smart ships’, digitalisation and scrubbers.

A post conference programme will follow on the island of Ischia in the evening of Friday 13th October up to Saturday 14th afternoon.


HELLENIC SHIPPING NEWS: Leading industry figures gather in Naples for ‘Shipping & The Law’



The eighth edition of the international Shipping and the Law conference, organised by Studio Legale Lauro, will take place on October 12 and 13 at the Court Theatre of the Royal Palace of Naples.

The conference will include participation from a number of leading figures from shipowning, finance, law, insurance and other players from around the world. The conference concludes with a Gala Dinner in the Apartments of the Royal Palace, hosted by CR MAG and SMIT.

The conference procedings will be officially opened on October 12, followed by a welcome from well-known Naples lawyer and conference organiser Francesco S Lauro. It will be followed by a roundtable: Full Steam Ahead in the Age of Uncertainty on important challenging topics, among them the threats and the opportunities for European operators in the context of the rise of maritime China and other Asian countries.

The panel will also consider how the maritime world confronts global warming and the future of shipping in the age of growing protectionism, particularly the uncertainty created by Donald Trump, Brexit and other new political movements.

This session will include contributions from the president of the International Chamber of Shipping Esben Poulsson, the president elect of the European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA) Panos Laskaridis, the president of Confitarma Emanuele Grimaldi, the president elect of Confitarma Mario Mattioli, the director for Waterborne Transport in Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport within the European Commission Magda Kopczynska.

Also taking part will be past presidents of the Union of Greek Shipowners and of the ECSA John C. Lyras and Thomas Rehder, chief economist of the Sheikh Yamani’s Center for Global Energy Studies Leo Drollas, the president of Banchero Costa Lorenzo Banchero, political analyst Roberto D’Alimonte, RINA CEO Ugo Salerno and member of the UK House of Lords Baroness Byrony K. Worthinghton.

The morning session will be moderated by Terry Macalister of Tradewinds and David Osler, Finance Editor of Lloyd’s List.

After lunch hosted by Palumbo Group, the conference proceedings will continue with a session dealing with shipping and port infrastructure finance with the participation of owners, bankers and investment fund managers, as well as the president of the Port Authority and vice-mayor of Antwerp Marc Van Peel and president of the Port Authority of Naples Pietro Spirito.

Among others, the president and the president elect of the Italian Young Owners Andrea Garolla and Giacomo Gavarone will take part to the proceedings.

The morning session on October 13 Law and Shipping will be opened by former International Oil Pollution Compensation (IOPC) Funds Director Mans Jacobsson’s keynote addess on Compensation for pure economic loss in relation to tanker oil spills. Past president of London Maritime Arbitrators’ Association Clive Aston will introduce a roundtable with CMI vice president Giorgio Berlingieri, Ince’s Ian Cranston, General Counsel Scorpio Group Luca Forgione; arbitrator and mediator St Philips Stone Chambers Jonathan Lux and Hill Dickinson partner David Pitlarge.

The final session of the conference Better Vessels for a Better World, moderated by Umberto D’Amato and Alberto Moroso, will be dedicated to new technologies. Participants will include a representative of Tefin who will speak on a new system to prevent fires on ro-ro vessels, while Board member of Caronte & Tourist Lorenzo Matacena will talk on gas propulsion. Among the speakers there will be also representatives of Wärtsilä, WindDG, ABB, as well as Ecospray’s Franco Porcellacchia.

A post conference programme will follow on the island of Ischia commencing in the evening of Friday October 13 and concluding on the afternoon of Saturday 14.

SHIPPINGNET.EU: SHIPPING & THE LAW, The 8th edition, Naples


The 8th edition of the international conference Shipping & the Law, organized by Studio Legale Lauro, will take place on October 12th & 13th, 2017 on the stage of the 18th century Court Theatre of the Royal Palace of Naples. The conference will include the presence of a number of leading figures among ship-owners, bankers, maritime law experts, insurers and other players of the shipping sector from around the world and feature a gala dinner by invitation in the Royal Apartments of the Palace for the conference and the speakers, delegates and the Authorities, hosted by CR MAG and SMIT.

 The conference proceedings will be officially opened on Thursday 12th October followed by a welcome from maritime lawyer and conference organizer Francesco S. Lauro, followed by a roundtable titled “Full Steam Ahead in the Age of Uncertainty” on important challenging topics, among them ‘The threats and the opportunities for European operators in relation to the rise of the maritime economic power of China and other countries of the Far East’, as well ‘How can the maritime world deal with the global warming’ and ‘The future of shipping in the age of growing protectionism or uncertainty created by Trump, Brexit and new political movements’.

This roundtable will include Esben Poulsson (president of the International Chamber of Shipping), Panos Laskaridis (president elect of the European Community Shipowners Associations – ECSA), Emanuele Grimaldi(president of Confitarma), Mario Mattioli (president elect of Confitarma), Magda Kopczynska (director for Waterborne Transport in Directorate-General for Mobility & Transport within the European Commission), John C. Lyras (past president of the Union of Greek Shipowners and of the ECSA) and Thomas Rehder (former ECSApresident), Leo Drollas (chief economist of the Sheikh Yamani’s Center for Global Energy Studies), Lorenzo Banchero (president of Banchero Costa), Roberto D’Alimonte (political analyst), Baroness Byrony K. Worthinghton (UK House of Lords member).

 The morning session will be moderated by Terry Macalister, former Energy editor of The Guardian and David Osler, Finance editor of Lloyd’s List.

After a lunch hosted by Palumbo Group, the conference proceedings will continue with a session dealing with shipping & port infrastructure finance with the participation of owners, bankers and investment funds managers, the head of the credit section of the Italian Banking Association (ABI) Raffaele RinaldiVSL CEO Fabrizio Vettosi and the economist Arturo Capasso.

Among others, the president of the Antwerp Port Authority and vice-mayor Marc Van Peel, the president Pietro Spirito of the Naples Port Authority, the CEO George Tsavliris of Tsavliris Salvage Group, the president and the president elect Andrea Garolla and Giacomo Gavarone of the Italian Young Owners and the most senior italian owner Peppino D’Amato will take part to the afternoon proceedings.

 On Friday 13th October morning the session “The Law and Shipping” will be opened by the Comité Maritime International vice president Giorgio Berlingieri‘s brief account of the outcomes of the recent CMI assembly in Genoa and by former International Oil Pollution Compensation (IOPC) Funds director Mans Jacobsson’s keynote speech “Compensation for pure economic loss in relation to tanker oil spills“. Clive Aston (past president of London Maritime Arbitrators Association) will introduce a roundtable with Luca Forgione (general counsel Scorpio Group); Jonathan Lux (arbitrator and mediator St Philips Stone Chambers); Luigi Morselli (Wärtsilä‘s general counsel); David Pitlarge (Hill Dickinson’s partner).

The last session of the conference “Better Vessels for a Better World”, moderated by Umberto D’Amato and Alberto Moroso, will be dedicated to new technologies. Participants will include Michele Francioni (RINA Services CEO), a representative of Tefin who will speak on a new system to prevent fires on Ro-Ro vessels, while Lorenzo Matacena (board member of Caronte & Tourist) will talk on gas propulsion. Among the speakers Wärtsilä‘s Matteo NataliWinDG‘s Volkmar GalkeABB and Eaton representatives, Ecospray’s Franco Porcellacchia  and Crossbeam‘s chairman John Wiik will talk about ‘smart ships’digitalization and scrubbers.

 A post conference programme will follow on the island of Ischia in the evening of Friday 13th October up to Saturday 14th afternoon.
