SHIPPINGNET.EU: SHIPPING & THE LAW, The 8th edition, Naples


The 8th edition of the international conference Shipping & the Law, organized by Studio Legale Lauro, will take place on October 12th & 13th, 2017 on the stage of the 18th century Court Theatre of the Royal Palace of Naples. The conference will include the presence of a number of leading figures among ship-owners, bankers, maritime law experts, insurers and other players of the shipping sector from around the world and feature a gala dinner by invitation in the Royal Apartments of the Palace for the conference and the speakers, delegates and the Authorities, hosted by CR MAG and SMIT.

 The conference proceedings will be officially opened on Thursday 12th October followed by a welcome from maritime lawyer and conference organizer Francesco S. Lauro, followed by a roundtable titled “Full Steam Ahead in the Age of Uncertainty” on important challenging topics, among them ‘The threats and the opportunities for European operators in relation to the rise of the maritime economic power of China and other countries of the Far East’, as well ‘How can the maritime world deal with the global warming’ and ‘The future of shipping in the age of growing protectionism or uncertainty created by Trump, Brexit and new political movements’.

This roundtable will include Esben Poulsson (president of the International Chamber of Shipping), Panos Laskaridis (president elect of the European Community Shipowners Associations – ECSA), Emanuele Grimaldi(president of Confitarma), Mario Mattioli (president elect of Confitarma), Magda Kopczynska (director for Waterborne Transport in Directorate-General for Mobility & Transport within the European Commission), John C. Lyras (past president of the Union of Greek Shipowners and of the ECSA) and Thomas Rehder (former ECSApresident), Leo Drollas (chief economist of the Sheikh Yamani’s Center for Global Energy Studies), Lorenzo Banchero (president of Banchero Costa), Roberto D’Alimonte (political analyst), Baroness Byrony K. Worthinghton (UK House of Lords member).

 The morning session will be moderated by Terry Macalister, former Energy editor of The Guardian and David Osler, Finance editor of Lloyd’s List.

After a lunch hosted by Palumbo Group, the conference proceedings will continue with a session dealing with shipping & port infrastructure finance with the participation of owners, bankers and investment funds managers, the head of the credit section of the Italian Banking Association (ABI) Raffaele RinaldiVSL CEO Fabrizio Vettosi and the economist Arturo Capasso.

Among others, the president of the Antwerp Port Authority and vice-mayor Marc Van Peel, the president Pietro Spirito of the Naples Port Authority, the CEO George Tsavliris of Tsavliris Salvage Group, the president and the president elect Andrea Garolla and Giacomo Gavarone of the Italian Young Owners and the most senior italian owner Peppino D’Amato will take part to the afternoon proceedings.

 On Friday 13th October morning the session “The Law and Shipping” will be opened by the Comité Maritime International vice president Giorgio Berlingieri‘s brief account of the outcomes of the recent CMI assembly in Genoa and by former International Oil Pollution Compensation (IOPC) Funds director Mans Jacobsson’s keynote speech “Compensation for pure economic loss in relation to tanker oil spills“. Clive Aston (past president of London Maritime Arbitrators Association) will introduce a roundtable with Luca Forgione (general counsel Scorpio Group); Jonathan Lux (arbitrator and mediator St Philips Stone Chambers); Luigi Morselli (Wärtsilä‘s general counsel); David Pitlarge (Hill Dickinson’s partner).

The last session of the conference “Better Vessels for a Better World”, moderated by Umberto D’Amato and Alberto Moroso, will be dedicated to new technologies. Participants will include Michele Francioni (RINA Services CEO), a representative of Tefin who will speak on a new system to prevent fires on Ro-Ro vessels, while Lorenzo Matacena (board member of Caronte & Tourist) will talk on gas propulsion. Among the speakers Wärtsilä‘s Matteo NataliWinDG‘s Volkmar GalkeABB and Eaton representatives, Ecospray’s Franco Porcellacchia  and Crossbeam‘s chairman John Wiik will talk about ‘smart ships’digitalization and scrubbers.

 A post conference programme will follow on the island of Ischia in the evening of Friday 13th October up to Saturday 14th afternoon.
