MHW Magazine – Shipping and the Law in the recent and current markets

Shipping and the Law in the recent and current markets

13 October 2015

15th and 16th October 2015, NAPLES, Pio Monte della Misericordia, Via dei Tribunali 253CONFERENCE PROGRAMME
In Naples, on the 15th and 16th October, will take place the 6th edition of Shipping and the Law in the recent and current markets.
This annual conference, organised by Studio Legale Lauro under the patronage of Confitarma (The Italian Shipowners’ Association), brings together some of the most outstanding personalities of the industry such as ship owners, shipbuilders, financial experts, insurance specialists, and other jurists specialised in the maritime field.
The conference works will begin on the morning of Thursday 15th October with a speech by Efthimios Mitropoulos on “Recent Developments in International Shipping”. Others present include Emanuele Grimaldi President of Confitarma, Thomas Rehder President of the European Community Shipowners’ Association, John C. Lyras Vice President of the International Chamber of Shipping. Among the others include Esben Poulsson, Vice President of ICS and the Singapore Shipping Association, who will speak about “The Emergence of Asia as a Major Force in Shipping”; Mans Jacobsson, Former director of the Oil Pollution Compensation Funds, who will speak about “To What Extent do International Treaties Result in the Uniformity of Maritime Law?”; Former UK Court of Appeals judge, Sir Bernard Eder, who will deal with the question, “Is Payment a Condition of Hire?”; Yavuz Kalkavan, President of Besiktas Gemi Insa, on “Turkish Shipyards and Turkish Shipping”; and ship owner, Lorenzo Matacena, on “LNG – A systematic solution”.
Organizer of the event, Francesco S. Lauro, stated that “the success of previous editions of Shipping and the Law, due mostly to the quality of speakers and the interesting topics discussed, made it necessary to cover the conference over the course of two days. Despite this, there always seems too little time for what is a total immersion in the maritime culture and also more general issues.”CONFERENCE PROGRAMME
On the morning of Thursday 15th October, there will be a session on the current forms of ship financing. Chaired by Managing Director of the Grimaldi Group, Diego Pacella, and with an introduction by Fabrizio Vettosi, Managing Director of Venice Shipping and Logistics, organiser of the event, Francesco S. Lauro, will make a presentation on the “The Shipping White Knight Fund”,which will be followed by an in-depth discussion by leading figures of international major banks, investment funds, as well as ship owners like Angelo D’Amato e Giuseppe Rizzo and experts in ship finance.After the lunch, which will be held in the beautiful square of Pio Monte, will begin the “Shipping and the Law” session chaired by Sir Bernard Eder and Francesco S. Lauro, which will feature an interesting debate among important lawyers, arbitrators, prominent ship owners, and operators in the maritime sector. The day will conclude with a session dedicated to technological innovation, energy efficiency, and environmental and safety regulation, which in which the most important international groups that operate in this sector will be represented.Many of the institutional personalities already mentioned will be present on the morning of the Friday to discuss the migration crisis, the geopolitical situation of Mediterranean countries, and be part of a roundtable discussion to analyse the scenarios and challenges of changes in the maritime industry in addition to the new and more stringent regulations designed to protect the environment. Among the others who will participate in this discussion include Lorenzo Banchero, Giuseppe Bottiglieri, Peppino D’Amato, Federico Deodato, Mauro Iguera, Roberto Martinoli, Ugo Salerno, George Tsavliris, Mario Mattioli and John Xylas. There will also be a presentation by university professor Roberto D’Alimonte on “The European Union: To Be or Not To Be?”. After the lunch there will be the “Managing the Risks” session dedicated to marine insurance and chaired Federico Deodato and Mauro Iguera. This year, the conference works will close with a session titled,“Looking to the Future”, which will be chaired by President of the Young Italian Shipowners at Confitarma, Andrea Garolla di Bard, and Lorenzo Banchero. Attended by several young ship owners, who will represent the next generation, they will try to divine the future of shipping alongside the more established and long-lived experts of the industry.


Shipping and the Law is characterised by the desire of the organisers to hold the conference each year in a new and historically important location of Naples, unique for its cultural significance and artistic aesthetic.
The conference venue location is the unique venue of the monumental octagonal chapel of Pio Monte Della Misericordia, a jewel of early 17th century Neapolitan architecture, and which houses one of the greatest masterpieces by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, “The Seven Acts of Mercy”. On the morning of Friday 16th October, during which a part of the day’s proceedings will deal will the humanitarian migration crisis in the Meditteranean, famous art historian, John T. Spike, will give the presentation, “Caravaggio and the Seven Acts of Mercy”.STUDIO LEGALE LAURO
Established in 1993, Studio Legale Lauro has offices in Naples and in Rome and offers a wide range of legal services in Maritime, Commercial and International Law matters. Its lawyers provide specialized assistance in Shipping, Transportation, Commercial, Corporate, Banking, Insurance, Construction and Bankruptcy law, whether in an advisory capacity or as counsel in litigation proceedings in Italian courts and arbitration tribunals. Through its work with leading Italian and foreign shipowners, banks and financial lenders, Studio Legale Lauro has developed significant expertise in Mergers & Acquisitions, in Partnership and Joint Venture Agreements, and in various types of Financing Transactions. It also regularly acts on behalf of Shipowners, P&I Clubs, Underwriters, Charterers, Traders, Logistic Operators, Ship-Builders, Port and Infrastructure Builders, Banks and generally for maritime and commercial clients worldwide.SHIPPING AND THE LAW 2015
Over the past five years, Shipping and the Law has become an annual appointment for Italy’s maritime industry, building a reputation for high quality debate in a friendly and informal atmosphere. This exclusive event is scheduled to take place on the 15th and 16th October in Naples, home to over half of Italian tonnage. As with past editions, Shipping and the Law 2015 will provide a high-calibre networking opportunity for Shipowners, Bankers, Charterers, Underwriters and P&I Club managers, leading Maritime Lawyers and international shipping Arbitrators. The event will include debate from industry leaders on the latest and hottest issues in shipping.


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