8.45 Registration and Welcome coffee
hosted by Studio Legale Lauro and Mahela
9.15 Welcome address
Francesco S. Lauro
Studio Legale Lauro
Institutional address
Roberto Fico
Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Italian Republic
Greetings on behalf of the Mayor of Naples
Mario Calabrese
Transport Commissioner of the City of Naples
9.30 Opening Speech
History has no End:
Present and Future Geopolitical Challenges
Vincenzo Camporini
Vice president IAI (Institute for International Affairs)
Emanuele Grimaldi
Vicepresident International Chamber of Shipping
Panos Laskaridis
President European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA)
John C. Lyras
Past President of the Union of Greek Shipowners (UGS)
Mario Mattioli
President Confitarma – Italian Shipowners’ Association
round table moderated by
Terry Macalister Tradewinds and David Osler Lloyd’s List
The new reality of Trade Wars and Protectionism
Has business been affected yet? What difference has
this made to operations? Has this changed future fleet
plans, newbuilding? Can shipowners benefit from
protected trade? What do you predict will happen next?
Global Governance under threat
What is the future of the World Trade Organization or
even the IMO? Could this impact international trade
organizations such as the ICS? Will there be a bigger role in
future for national shipowner bodies? Who will safeguard
future safety and environment rules? Will they be diluted?
Global Economy booming but set for slump
What is the optimist’s macro-economic view /
the pessimists view of the future? Is a fragile shipping
in any condition to cope with another big downturn
in trade? Where are the shipping freight markets in their
own state of recovery? All right for some sectors?
What are the biggest threats inside the maritime sector
to future prosperity?
11.15 Coffee break
hosted by Wärtsilä
Leo Drollas
Energy Economist
Volkmar Galke
General Manager Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd
Tracy Vowel
Argus Consulting
Ugo Salerno
Chairman and Ceo RINA S.p.A.
Lorenzo Matacena
Director Cartour
Franco Del Manso
Manager Of International Environment Affairs Unione Petrolifera
round table moderated by
Terry Macalister and David Osler
Shipping and Energy sectors tackle or fumble the future
How prepared is the shipping sector overall for new
sulphur and future carbon rules? How prepared is the
supply industry to provide low sulphur fuels and what
happens if it cant? Has the industry got the determination
or even the cash to transform itself?
12.45 Lunch
hosted by Gruppo Caronte & Tourist
Leo Drollas
Energy Economist
Emanuele Grimaldi
Vice President International Chamber of Shipping
Panos Laskaridis
President European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA)
John C. Lyras
Past President Greek European Community Shipowners’
Associations (ECSA)
Frederick Kenney
Director, Legal and External Affairs International Maritime
Organization (IMO)
The good, the bad, and the ugly future
Is the age of oil really over? What are the best fuels (cells)
of the future? Is gas too high carbon for a longterm bet?
Is nuclear an expensive non-starter? Will we really ever see
electric deepsea ships? Can the age of sail be revived?
15.00 Francesco Berlingieri: a life for the Law of the Sea
Giorgio Berlingieri
President Associazione Italiana di Diritto Marittimo
Tom Birch Reynardson
Partner Birch Reynardson & Co.
Francesco S. Lauro
Studio Legale Lauro
15.45 Coffee break
hosted by Palumbo Shipyards
Keynote Speech
Places of refuge. The legal perspective
Måns Jacobsson
Former Director of The International Oil Pollution
Compensation Funds
Andreas Brachel
Senior Manager Gard AS
Leendert Muller
Managing Director Multraship Towage & Salvage
Fabio D’Amato
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
Dipartimento Protezione Civile – COEMM
round table moderated by
Mauro Iguera CEO Cambiaso Risso Marine SpA
17.15 End of the first day Conclusions by Terry Macalister